Mikiko's Haikuchi is a tiny fighting game featuring legendary super-deformed warriors inspired by the famous Street Fighter and Fatal Fury sagas.


It was created by TYN in the first half of the 90s and it's her last game made on Amiga 500 using AMOS Basic.

The production of the game was unfortunately interrupted by TYN -to leave her more time to study- when it was nearly completed.


Thanks to a bit of patience and the Amiga emulator, TYN e BCO managed to recover, correct, complete where necessary and recompile the original source code.

Althought some things are still missing (like, for example, background music), Mikiko's Haikuchi is perfectly playable!

The concept, story, characters design, coding and graphics are entirely made by Tyn!
In this case, JEFF and BCO stood and watched, trying to help when possible with wise advices and additional graphics (fictionalized version of the story!).


The story.

The soul of Mikiko, a japanese aristocratic girl with a sad past, has been imprisoned by a spell inside a dagger.
With the passage of time, the dagger has fallen in many hands and the story of Mikiko has been forgotten.
But now it's time for some brave warriors to fight their way to the holy dagger and free Mikiko's spirit.
All the other fighters compete in the tournament only to enjoy a good punch-up :-)



- Choose your champion among 12 fighters, each one with his/her original story!
- Very colorful super-deformed graphics!
- Many different special moves for each character.
- Background graphics skecthed from Amiga Ascii Art by TYN.
- Three different difficulty levels.
- Each character has a different ending sequence depending on the difficulty level.


The game version we recovered is a BETA version (the game is complete but lacks some features) and it's got few shortcut keys we mantained in the code which work like a cheat-mode:

F1 - Player One wins the round.
F2 - Player Two wins the round.
F3 - The game timer instantly reaches zero.
F4 - Ending sequence.
'ESC' Key or 'Ctrl+C' - Interrupt the program (return to AmigaDos window).

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