© - Alberto Sgaggero / (4)Seasons Software

Thanks to...
Cristina Sansigolo who pushed me to continue despite all the difficulties I've encountered.
My family.

The title screen.

You should use the up and down arrow keys and spacebar key in order to choose an options from the menu.
The options are:
1) START - It starts the game.
2) OPTIONS - A new panel with more options will open.

The options-panel.

There are the game options here.
You should use again the up and down arrow keys and spacebar key in order to choose an option from the menu.
They are:
1) BG MOVE ON/OFF - You can turn on or off backgrounds scrolling.
2) LEVEL - You can select the difficulty level you wish to play.
3) MUSIC ON/OF - You can turn on or off the music of the game.
4) SOUND ON/OF - You can turn on or off the sounds of the game.
5) RESET HI-SC - If you want, you can reset the high-scores table.
6) BACK - You return to the title screen.

The Game.

Shoot to the spheres to implode them. Hurry up before they multiply themselves!

In-game keys.

You can move Starship using the arrow keys.
Left Arrow = Rotate left
Right Arrow = Rotate right
Down Arrow = Brake Starship
Up Arrow = Accelerate Starship
You can quit the program at any time simply pressing the ESCape key.
If you push the ESCAPE key ('esc') during the game, the game will enter in pause-mode.
F1 = Help
F2 = Full screen mode
F3 = Window mode / Resize window to the right width and height


You can leave the game just pressing the ESCAPE key ('esc') again.
If you want to continue your play, press the SPACE BAR key ('spc').

High scores.

If your score is high enough to enter to the hall of fame, you will be asked for your initials.
Use the left and right arrow keys and spacebar key in order to select your initials (maximum 3 letters).
Use BACK option in order to erase the last character inserted.
When you finish, select 'END' to exit.

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